Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What are Freckles and How to get rid of them?

Freckles may be described as flat, round, dark colored spots that range in size from about 2mm to 4mm. Freckles could be the result of pigment precipitation in one particular place, as generally the skin surrounding the spot is lighter in color. Freckles have a hereditary aspect to it and you are likely to inherit it if runs in your family. Freckles are usually of no medical consequence and do not cause any problems. Freckles are sensitive to the UV rays of sunlight and hence appear more prominent during or after exposure to sunlight. Though freckles could be present all over the body, mostly they are found in areas exposed to sun.

Freckles may be seen as dark colored spots on the skin. These may be more apparent on the facial skin, especially on or around the nose. Generally, light or fair skinned people are more prone to freckled skin. Freckles get more emphasized on exposure to


Freckles are passed on genetically, so you are likely to get it if one or both your parents have it.

Rare disorders such as Xeroderma Pigmentosum cause an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays leading to freckles.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause freckles to appear, more so in case of fair-skinned people. The melanin content is less in case of fair-skinned people; hence exposure to sunlight causes these spots to appear.

Hormonal imbalance could cause freckles too. In this case, the estrogen could over-stimulate pigment producing cells causing them to generate more color when exposed to sunlight.

Recommended Product:

Zenmed's Skin Eraser - Helps remove discoloration as well as hyperpigmentation.

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