Friday, June 6, 2008

Acne Scars Revealed (and treated)

Needless to say, it's critical that when you have a pimple, you should never, ever touch it - fingers can introduce all kinds of bacteria and germs to the surface of the skin, not to mention oils and other pollutants.

So now your teen years are gone, your acne has disappeared and what are you left with? Scarring. Scarring can be disastrous to your self-esteem and make you feel as if you cannot leave your house. I keep getting many calls from people who are frustrated with their skin. They realize what they did when they were kids was bad - the poking, the prodding, the pinching. What can they do about the scarring today? What can you do to heal your skin and decrease the looks of scarring?

The first and easiest way to start improving your skin is to wear a sunscreen everyday. This will help your skin start to heal itself.

Zenmed's Scar Treatment Kit is the next step. Wash your face and apply the microdermabrasion in a circular motion with your fingertips on the affected area(s) once daily for 5 days then stop for 5 days then continue once weekly thereafter. The microdermabrasion softly removes the top layer of the skin to expose new, fresh skin below the surface. The new skin has to be protected from the sun so be sure to apply some sunscreen after treating your skin.

The skin eraser should be applied after the microdermabrasion, in a thin layer over the affected area(s). The skin eraser is designed to lessen the appearance of scars over time. When used daily, you will start to notice that your scars or discolorations fade over time.

Zenmed's Scar Kit is the best choice for acne scarring on the face or body and can help to even out skin tone, which studies show age your skin even more that fine lines or wrinkles.

Scarring can be very traumatic to your personal outlook so having the option to treat scarring with a natural product like Zenmed is a relief to your already irritated skin.

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