Friday, June 6, 2008

Getting Rid of Acne Fast

If acne persists for a long period, you may become disheartened and think that it is difficult to get rid of the problem. However, the reality is that acne is curable. The fault may be in your approach. If you are suffering from acne and you consider it painful and embarrassing, then there are a few tips that you can follow on how to treat acne. Following these tips will help you to get rid of the problem.

Firs of all do not prick the pimples. If you prick them, there is an increased chance of the infection spreading to other areas. It is advisable to use an acne gel once or twice daily, depending on the severity of acne. This medication not only opens up the clogged pores of the skin, it also acts as a disinfectant.

Most people apply topical medication only at the top of the acne. A dermatologist would not agree to this. The ideal way is to apply the solution evenly on all sides of the acne. This reduces the risk relapse. However, one thing that should be kept in mind is topical medications meant for treating acne should not be applied on sensitive regions such as lips and eyes.

Do not rub your face aggressively. This can have an abrasive affect on the skin and may result in dry facial skin. Do not wash you face very frequently as this robs the skin of essential oils. Use only mild soaps or face wash to wash your face.

Do not use rough abrasive scrubbers to scrub your face. Use only soft tissue and cotton. You should clean and disinfect your fingertips. Always keep in mind that you should not use your palms to rest your face and chin. Try not to touch your face a number of times in a day. This may lead to an increase in infection. These are some of the basic rules that you should follow to get rid of your acne.

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