Thursday, November 27, 2008

Skin during pregnancy

Skin during pregnancy
Skin becomes dry, sensitive, intolerant to certain products well supported so far. Be sure to use products that preserve the soft hydrolipidic film of the skin, moisturize the morning and evening with a cream that is suitable, make a moisturizing mask once or twice a week. Food is also guaranteeing the beauty of the skin; drink throughout the day, eat balanced.

The phenomenon of hyperpigmentation due to the maturation of pigment cells under the effect of hormones, is common in pregnant women. The skin becomes darker where pigment cells are most numerous (midline of stomachs, breasts areolas, scars). On the face, hyperpigmentation that is reflected in the "mask of pregnancy", brown spots more or less dark, more or less extensive, which may appear on the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper lip early in the pregnancy.

The brown skins are more prone to this problem, which will disappear gradually after birth. To avoid this, be sure to protect yourself from the sun. During pregnancy, the effects of the sun are indeed bad; the brown spots appear themselves more easily. It is therefore important to use a sunscreen.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The stretch marks are the fear of many pregnant women.

The stretch marks are similar to small elongated white scars are the result of a breach of the elastic fibers in the dermis. They are located mostly on breasts, stomach and upper thighs and are more obvious on the skin young and white.

The stretch marks are the fear of many pregnant women.
When they occur, it is often too late. Take precautions at the outset of your pregnancy to limit the damage. Make prevention but do not they are already installed to react.

Some advice
Massage your body regularly engaged in large circular movements, with a fat cream or simple vegetable oils such as sweet almond, carrot, avocado, wheat germ, which moisturize your skin to give it more elasticity and resistance. Massage is an integral part of care. Using stretch mark creams can also help.

Practice it preferably under your shower. You can accompany your massage a light body scrub for two to three times a month to ensure better penetration of the product.

You limit their appearance by monitoring your diet. Excess weight may increase the risk of rupture of elastic fibers in the skin which encourages the emergence of stretch marks.

Try our recommended stretch mark cream Stretta

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wrinkles can be treated without surgery

Today, thanks to advances in aesthetic medicine, all types of wrinkles can be treated without surgery, only through localized injections. During the same meeting, it is possible to "rejuvenate" the face of a comprehensive and harmonious. The expression lines are treated as they arise by botulinum toxin, or botox.

Those are the melting of fat and skin breaks, like the jowls and folds of bitterness are subject to injections of hyaluronic acid. As the turn of the mouth, it deals with a combination of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid.


When the slump is too important is the MINILIFTING: in effect when the skin and muscle relaxation leads downs cheeks important, the appearance of ropes and muscle relaxation of the neck, allows only a minilifting plans to reposition the muscle and skin .
The concept of minilifting

Anethesie performed under local ambulatory after a slight loosening skin is made restoration tension and a repositioning muscle. Desocialisation is 8 to 15 days. The result is all the more natural it is a simple muscle repositioning and that we obtain in any case an air "frozen" and "fired"

As a result, these combined methods applied as and as part of a comprehensive care of the aging face can keep its natural while avoiding the signs of time.

To look your best we recommend you follow a custom skin care regime where the beautician recommends products specifically for your skin type.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Skin and cellulite what is hanging out

Cellulite is a common issue with a few known solutions. The most effective solution for cellulite being surgery. One new solution we are going to focus on is Lipodissolve.

Lipodissolve is a form of mesotherapy, it is safer and more effective than mesotherapy for helping with cellulite.

The injection uses products that are patient-specific combination of vitamins and herbal products like soybean lecithin that contain enzymes capable of burning away stubborn cellulite deposits in the stomach, thighs and butt.

Widely practiced and popular,it has not received government approval, because pharmacists still customize the injectable materials based on patient needs and physician requests. The procedure starts at $1,000 for the eight-week, four-treatment plan. This procecure is recomended for people that are less than 25 pounds overweight, diabetics, so it is best to check with your doctor to see if this is for you.

Doctors are report stunning results in combination with VelaSmooth or its predecessor, Endermologie, labelling the procedure a cheaper, less invasive alternative to liposuction.

The injectible materials used in Lipodissolve target the beta receptors in fat cells, which trigger faster fat metabolism and melt away the surrounding damaged cellular connective tissue that, together with distorted lumps of fat, create cellulite.

Ouch factor Usually described as a pin cusion sensation; occasionally causes minor skin irritation, swelling or bruising.

Some common mythes regarding cellulite:

Myth 1: Coffee and couch time cause cellulite.
Caffeine and lack of activity are cellulite-friendly. But cellulite is a technically a condition called Lipodystrophy, caused by bad lymphatic drainage in fat cells underneath the skin, distorting collagen (connective tissue) and creating skin pockets.

Myth 2: Only plus-sized women get cellulite.
If you're out of high school, you're probably starting to notice some cellulite in your thighs, reports state that cellulite affects 90 percent of 20-plus women.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Factors That Do Not Cause Acne

The following are the factors, which are not correlated to acne development even if a number of people perceive it to be so:

1. Heredity: If the parents have undergone the acne problem, it does not affect the skin texture of the children. However, if the problem was serious then it may continue with the children to a smaller extent. The condition erupts due to the collection of sebum in the skin pores.

2. Diet: There are many parents who try to keep their kids away from junk food such as burger, pizzas, pastries, etc. It is a fact that these items are not healthy but neither do they contribute to acne growth.

3. Dirt: You need not rinse your skin continuously to get rid of acne. On the contrary it may cause the skin to dry and cause

irritation. Even the sweat flowing from your body does not substantially cause acne. The blackhead is just rusted oil and it is not dirt.

4. Stress: Most of the teenagers feel inferior and pluck the pimples and therefore make the problem a lot worse. But the routine stress as such does not result in acne. It is an incorrect concept that calming down makes the pimples disappear.

5. Hormone Pills: They are not effective in curbing the growth rate of acne. Most of the women rush to treat themselves with different hormone pills which is wrong and unnecessary.

Find more answers here

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Freedom from Stretch Marks

For several boys and girl, stretch marks are absolutely a regular part of growing up and puberty. When someone gains weight at a rapid rate, as in the case of puberty, he/she can get a pattern of fine lines known as stretch marks on the body. The reason behind the occurrence of these marks is that the skin gets stretched dues to very fast growth. The skin is generally quite elastic, but when it gets overstretched, the standard collagen production is disturbed. Collagen is a very important protein that constitutes the connective tissue of the skin. Thus, scars are formed as stretch marks.

There are many people across the globe, who are affected with stretch marks. Several women and girls stretch marks have them on various parts of their bodies like hips, butt, breasts, and thighs. Most women generally get these stretch marks during pregnancy. Nonetheless, men too can get these marks. Obese people also get the marks. Bodybuilders too have a tendency to get stretch marks. Those who intake oral corticosteroids in high doses for several months and those who apply ointments and skin creams containing steroid, for many weeks can also get stretch marks.

At its outset, stretch marks appear as purplish or reddish lines in the skin’s surface. They may sometimes be indented and their texture differs from that of the adjacent skin. Luckily, for many, stretch marks lighten and even vanish over time. One can even prevent stretch marks by applying a rich moisturizer after bath to keep the skin well hydrated. For those the problem becomes irritating, can follow these things to make them less conspicuous:

According to many, over-the-counter tanning sprays, lotions, and even in-salon tanning treatments can assist in covering up the stretch marks. However, tanning beds and regular tanning such methods do not yield results as the marks hardly get tanned. We must have heard that tanning beds can be quite harmful for the skin. To avoid this one can invest in body makeup in a tone that matches the color of a person’s skin to conceal the marks.

One can find in the market, an exhaustive variety of different creams and several skin products, which claim to remove every trace of stretch marks. Some people believe that these creams are not effective and only a plastic surgeon or dermatologist can help one to get completely rid of the problem. These doctors use various kinds of treatments ranging from microdermabrasion to surgery and from laser treatment to other methods to eliminate the marks. These methods are very expensive and they cannot be advised for teenagers.

However not everyone has to go under the doctor’s scalpel. Not are creams are ineffective. Certain creams possess excellent natural ingredients to repair the elastin and collagen growth of the skin. Such creams are safe and banish those ugly lines, with regular usage. Stretta by Zenmed® is a unique formula that blends natural botanical extracts and Glycolic Acid to remove layers of unwanted and dead skin and promote the growth of collagen. It works well to erase stretch marks and make the skin rejuvenated.