Monday, August 18, 2008

Factors That Do Not Cause Acne

The following are the factors, which are not correlated to acne development even if a number of people perceive it to be so:

1. Heredity: If the parents have undergone the acne problem, it does not affect the skin texture of the children. However, if the problem was serious then it may continue with the children to a smaller extent. The condition erupts due to the collection of sebum in the skin pores.

2. Diet: There are many parents who try to keep their kids away from junk food such as burger, pizzas, pastries, etc. It is a fact that these items are not healthy but neither do they contribute to acne growth.

3. Dirt: You need not rinse your skin continuously to get rid of acne. On the contrary it may cause the skin to dry and cause

irritation. Even the sweat flowing from your body does not substantially cause acne. The blackhead is just rusted oil and it is not dirt.

4. Stress: Most of the teenagers feel inferior and pluck the pimples and therefore make the problem a lot worse. But the routine stress as such does not result in acne. It is an incorrect concept that calming down makes the pimples disappear.

5. Hormone Pills: They are not effective in curbing the growth rate of acne. Most of the women rush to treat themselves with different hormone pills which is wrong and unnecessary.

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