Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Skin and cellulite what is hanging out

Cellulite is a common issue with a few known solutions. The most effective solution for cellulite being surgery. One new solution we are going to focus on is Lipodissolve.

Lipodissolve is a form of mesotherapy, it is safer and more effective than mesotherapy for helping with cellulite.

The injection uses products that are patient-specific combination of vitamins and herbal products like soybean lecithin that contain enzymes capable of burning away stubborn cellulite deposits in the stomach, thighs and butt.

Widely practiced and popular,it has not received government approval, because pharmacists still customize the injectable materials based on patient needs and physician requests. The procedure starts at $1,000 for the eight-week, four-treatment plan. This procecure is recomended for people that are less than 25 pounds overweight, diabetics, so it is best to check with your doctor to see if this is for you.

Doctors are report stunning results in combination with VelaSmooth or its predecessor, Endermologie, labelling the procedure a cheaper, less invasive alternative to liposuction.

The injectible materials used in Lipodissolve target the beta receptors in fat cells, which trigger faster fat metabolism and melt away the surrounding damaged cellular connective tissue that, together with distorted lumps of fat, create cellulite.

Ouch factor Usually described as a pin cusion sensation; occasionally causes minor skin irritation, swelling or bruising.

Some common mythes regarding cellulite:

Myth 1: Coffee and couch time cause cellulite.
Caffeine and lack of activity are cellulite-friendly. But cellulite is a technically a condition called Lipodystrophy, caused by bad lymphatic drainage in fat cells underneath the skin, distorting collagen (connective tissue) and creating skin pockets.

Myth 2: Only plus-sized women get cellulite.
If you're out of high school, you're probably starting to notice some cellulite in your thighs, reports state that cellulite affects 90 percent of 20-plus women.

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