Monday, July 7, 2008

Is Rosacea Different from Acne?

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin disease that is prevalent with the people who are very fair. Red patches appear on the nose, face, forehead, and cheeks and is known as erythema in this stage. In extreme cases, it might lead to small bumps on face, irritating sensation, red eyes, and lobulated nose. This particular skin disease is more common with women than men and occurs in those between the age group of 30 to 60 years. The people suffering from Rosacea are highly prone to cold, wind, and heat. The problem increases with increasing age. As such, it is important to prevent Rosacea from spreading and getting worse. There are four types of Rosacea, which are as follows:

• Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea: It causes permanent redness.
• Ocular rosacea: It makes the eyes red with an irritating effect.
• Phymatous rosacea: It enlarges the nose.
• Papulopustular rosacea: It leads to occurrence of red bumps filled with pus.
Some notable people who suffer from Rosacea are Mariah Carey, Bill Clinton, Ricky Wilson, Rosie O'Donnell, Rembrandt, and Lisa Faulkner.

Difference between Rosacea and Acne

The basic difference between the two is that, the presence of comedones that is a major part of acne problem is totally absent in case of Rosacea. Blackheads do not appear in Rosacea that is present in acne. The pustules and papules in Rosacea are less follicular than acne. The redness that accompanies Rosacea is normally not seen in case of acne. Even some of the treatments that are applicable for acne cannot be applied for people suffering from Rosacea. These include benzoyl peroxide, topical retinoids, topical azelaic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, chemical peels, and acne peels.

Solution for Rosacea

Rosacea is a disease that is not totally curable. However, there are some companies like Zenmed that provides a comprehensive solution for Rosacea. They control Rosacea from flaring-up in the future. If you are tired of using laser technologies and other medicines to control this problem, then you can use creams that are meant for both oily and dry skin types. Get hold of it and better your skin.

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